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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thief Disturbs Dragon

Beowolf Fights the Dragon

Beowolf's Funreal Rights

Grendels Arm

Aftermath of Grendels Mother

Beowolf And Wiglaf Go To The Swamp

The Underwater Cave
Grendels Mother


Celebration at Heorot

Aftermath of Grendel

The Geats Have Arrived

Beowolf Fights Grendel

Beowolf Illustrations

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wavelength Concept Artmpout

Here is the concept art for Wavelength this is the fifth version and i think its a winner.  the circles on his back are his Super Speakers that pump out turbo charged sound waves the tubes connect them to his central power source and on the finished model will course with glowing light like veins through the cables and stitching of the suit.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bruce Lee animation

I got the idea for this animation from Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hospital = No Fun

Sorry for the long absence in the posts i have been feeling very ill lately.  i have stayed home the past two weeks with stomach pains and now i just have ben released from the hospital.  i hope to be back soon but i can't say for sure. The doctors think that it is something to do with my liver and have diagnosed me with hyperbilirunbinemia which is a form of jaundice.  i still have lots of tests and blood work to do but hopefully ill be back on track by the end of the month.

Monday, May 4, 2009

scaredy ball

A goofy little animation I made where the big ball is frightened of the little one


Walkin and kickin it : )



Monday, April 13, 2009


Alright the time has come to start working on Wavelength my very own superhero.  Master of waves of all kinds he has the power to manipulate sound, light, and even brain waves.   I'm always glad to hear suggestions, and if anybody has ideas leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Art Dept. Website Review

I went to the Art Dept's website this break and found it useful, however there are a few changes i would make.  First, I would make the homepage the news page so that it is constantly changing.  Second I would not make it use a new popup window if it is accessed from the sou homepage. (I hate popups, maybe a new tab instead?)

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Want You!

Here's one for the kiddies. Good ol' Uncle Sam Zombified
ps: sorry I had to add the watermark.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wahoo Zombies!!

Zombie Advent Calendar

to link:

Monday, February 2, 2009

A New Place I Have Never Been

Recently I went to Hawaii with my family and visited many places that I have never been before.  It was a cool experience and I got to see tons of sweet stuff like the rainforest, volcano, beaches reefs, cities, an even an old village that was still functioning cut off from the rest of the island.  It was an awesome time and I got a bunch of great pictures.  The only thing I didn't like about the trip was that i had to leave.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cool Interactive Game: Hero of Sparta!

This past week I bought a game for my ipod touch that was really cool and fun.  The game plays just like God of War and has similar items, weapons, baddies, and heros.  The thing that I found really interesting is how the game is actually played.  You drag a ball away from the center of a circle to make your character move and it's actually really responsive.  Attacks are controlled in a similar fashion but with more of a morse code dot dash dot combo system.  I had a lot of fun playing this game and hope to learn more about controlling with a touchscreen and I can't wait to see what games like this will follow.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I think that i have found an advent calandar project that will be  fun and cool: Zombies.  Yes the living dead will one day rise and i want to be able to unlock a new chocolate killing tool for the days preceding the worlds end.  A collection of blades, firearms, explosives, and vehicles will fill the windows of my calendar but i am not sure if i should use chocolate or BRAINS!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

19 Hours of Traveling

This week I went to Hawaii and was stuck traveling for nineteen hours :(.  I made this on the five hour plane ride from Seattle to Kona.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Place I Have Never Been

This week i had to go somewhere i had never been before so i went to see where my new apartment was. My roommate and i are moving and i went to see our apartment. Turns out that it sucks just about as bad as my current apartment.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Reactable: The Coolest Toy EVER

I found this on a video on YouTube, went to the website, and thought that this was awesome.  What a great way to make noises! It lets you literally play with sound.  The thing i thought was so cool is that it provided a tangible synthesizer that would not require much knowhow to use.  The table makes playing music more like playing with blocks. Heres the link and few pics.

First "Interactive" Post: Fallout 3

This past week I bought Fallout 3.  A game about post-apocalyptic Washington DC where you run around as a character that you design and progress through the game.  In the game you can choose what type of life your character leads and how you interact with people affects how your character is viewed by other people in the game.  You can choose to be good or evil and progress through as a hero do-gooder or as the super villain.  I really had a lot of fun playing through the game as an evil guy, but the interactive part that really stood out to me was how depending on your stats and choices you can build a play style as well as a reputation.  For example my character has a high sneak and small guns skill so we have an ideal sniper and my gameplay reflects that.  I have to sneak around and catch enemies off guard in order to kill them. however my friends character has a high big guns stat and also a large medicine skill so he can just run in with a mini-gun throwing 5mm rounds all over the place.  If i were to try that i would just die, and similarly if he tried to sneak around and shoot long range he would constantly miss.